Highpoint Condominiums & Turtle Parc Apartments at Little Turtle
The Little Turtle Development, originally constructed in the 1970s, is the only planned residential zoned district in Columbus, featuring …

As the first Sheetz restaurant and fuel center in Central Ohio, our team coordinated with multiple stakeholders to ensure the new site met all of the …

Rager Road Waterline, Sanitary Sewer & Lift Station
Our municipal services team in Columbus provided design and permitting for the Rager Road Waterline, Sanitary Sewer & Lift Station, a $1.4-million …

Buffalo Parkway
Located on 19 acres near the Anheuser-Busch Brewery, this project required extensive services from our team, including site plan design, site grading, …

A struggling retail development in Lancaster, OH needed major redevelopment to meet the demands of modern shoppers. The property was underutilized, …

Stillwell Jerome
This 20-acre build-to-rent community—located in the master-planned Jerome Village Development—was intentionally designed with as much common park …

Billinger Stream Stabilization
The Billinger Stream in Paulding, OH needed attention as its banks were in jeopardy. Increased localized sedimentation into the creek was causing …

Hilliard Memorial Middle School
V3 provided civil engineering and surveying services for the new 140,000-square-foot Hilliard Memorial Middle School

Bertec Corporate Headquarters
Our team successfully designed and planned the new 25,000-square-foot headquarters for Bertec Corporation, located on a four-acre site at the corner …

Upper Vue Flats
Our team provided comprehensive site planning services for a 39-acre multi-family development on Riggins Road, prioritizing the client’s desire for …

Hebron Hydrologic & Hydraulic Floodplain
The Village of Hebron partnered with our team to address heavy flood events frequently affecting their community.

West Water Street Reconstruction
The Village of Baltimore, OH wanted to improve a 0.3-mile roadway alongside its local fire station and Liberty Union High School by providing …