Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Widening & Rehabilitation
V3 was the lead design firm for a key segment of the Illinois Tollway’s $4 billion improvement of the Central Tri-State Tollway (I-294), an ambitious project aimed at improving infrastructure and traffic flow. Our Phase II design engineering services were performed for the widening and rehabilitation of nearly two miles of I-294, from Wolf Road to the O’Hare Oasis. This included an expansive list of improvements such as the addition of a fifth travel lane in each direction, reconstruction of the median to accommodate flex lanes, the rehabilitation of the dual (over one-half mile long) bridges over the Bensenville Rail Yard, and the implementation of SmartRoad technology. In addition, a detailed traffic staging plan was developed to maintain four lanes of traffic in each direction throughout the three-year construction duration.

Illinois Tollway
Market Sector
TransportationPrimary Service Lines
Highways & Traffic, StructuralRegion
ChicagoAdditional Info
Project highlights:
- The proposed improvements included the rehabilitation of the two 28-span, half-mile long bridges over the Bensenville Rail Yard, rehabilitation of the Wolf Road bridge over I-294 and the reconstruction of the O’Hare Oasis ramps.
- The proposed improvements include the installation of retaining walls and noise abatement walls, drainage improvements, the implementation of Intelligent Transportation System infrastructure, new roadway lighting, regulatory floodway/floodplain impacts and the relocation/protection of existing utilities.
- Under newly developed Illinois Tollway guidance for soil waste screening, we completed special waste screening which included collecting soil samples as well as development of a soil management memo characterizing soils for disposal. In addition to the soil management memo, we evaluated potential environmental concerns with possible acquisition of right-of-way from an adjoining landfill property.
- A detailed traffic staging plan was prepared to depict the maintenance of four lanes of mainline traffic in each direction along with the maintenance of ramp movements throughout the duration of construction. The project was phased over a three-year period from 2020 to 2022 and accommodated the staging of the new I-490 Tollway Interchange to the south.
- A feasibility study was conducted for the future widening and reconstruction of the Bensenville Yard Bridge structures. The study included development of structural and geometric alternatives for new alignments that would facilitate staged construction. The alternatives were evaluated and a cost estimate was developed to prepare for future coordination with the railroad.
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