North Street Reconstruction & Integrated Stormwater Management
Our team led the creation of one of the most sustainable urban streetscapes in the Midwest through the North Street Reconstruction project. This initiative revitalized an urban corridor using a “complete green street” approach, significantly reducing stormwater volume and enhancing the neighborhood.
We deconstructed, salvaged, and reused existing historic bricks as architectural elements, and replaced brick pavers with permeable surfaces to capture stormwater and improve driving and pedestrian conditions. The project achieved over 76% stormwater volume reduction within the combined sewershed, avoiding costly storm sewer redirection and reducing long-term wastewater treatment costs.
Additionally, it enhanced pedestrian connectivity, increased on-street parking, improved vehicular controls, and upgraded streetscape conditions. Our firm also created and maintained a website for construction updates and educational information, and organized outreach opportunities for neighborhood youth on the importance of water and the benefits of the new street design.
The North Street project not only addresses stormwater management but also serves as a catalyst for neighborhood revitalization and economic development.

City of Lafayette Department of Public Works
Market Sector
Local GovernmentPrimary Service Lines
Resilient Water SolutionsRegion
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