Transportation engineering takes the wheel on moving communities forward, and with over two decades of transportation expertise, V3 Transportation Project Manager Pranay Patel is in the driver’s seat. See how he connects people from one place to another, providing safe and sound solutions that impact everyday lives.
Following the signs
Engineering has always been a part of Pranay’s life. Growing up in India, he watched his civil engineer father help design and build the communities around them, which inspired him to do the same. His schoolwork proved he had the right aptitude for the job; he excelled in math, and while he wanted to
like physics, he gravitated towards more visual, tangible work. Structural and transportation engineering caught his attention during college.
“Creating infrastructure for a community is so meaningful. It gives me great satisfaction to see detailed designs turn into real solutions that help people.”
After graduating from the University of Pune with a civil engineering degree, Pranay dove into roadway construction and design roles. He became an expert in transportation and municipal engineering projects, handling everything from conceptual planning to detailed design and construction.
He moved to Canada 20 years ago and continued building out his impressive resume. A former coworker suggested he make the move to V3, and Pranay was instantly drawn to the firm’s size and culture.
“At V3 I get to be involved in a wide variety of projects and work on various roles right from the proposal stage to final construction and close-out stage. Being at V3 has given me the opportunity to get to know more people and be part of a family kind of feeling. Everyone knows everyone and there are so many ways to get involved. It’s a big positive difference.”
Life is a highway

As a project manager, Pranay juggles many tasks, leading the technical aspects of several projects at once. His days are filled with client interaction meetings, dealing with technical design needs, guiding the design team, interacting with sub-consultants, site inspections, safety training, skillfully assessing project needs and deadlines, and planning action plans to fulfill project requirements. He’s also heavily involved with the proposal process and business development.
Pranay feels confident chasing new projects due to V3’s unique approach to transportation services.
“V3 is more client-focused and our clients get more satisfaction with shorter response times and in-depth project understanding and fulfilling project objectives. We tailor each project team depending on the project objectives and client-specific needs, pulling from a wide range of technical expertise to provide solutions.”
Throughout his career, Pranay’s expertise has made all the difference in crossing the finish line. One of his biggest professional wins was being brought in get a project into construction after 20 years of development challenges. His insight and attention to detail found issues that were missed, making him the linchpin for success.
Keep calm and travel on
As a transportation expert, Pranay’s passion for travel comes naturally. He recently visited 14 countries within four continents in a consecutive 12-month period while on a cruise with his family, a coach tour in Europe, and visited UAE and his parents in India. Also, he takes frequent camping trips in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta with his family. He loves chess, cricket, and spending time with his family.
Looking ahead, he is excited to take on more engineering challenges and do his part in transforming Alberta Communities and beyond.
“Finding feasible, safe, and economical answers to infrastructure problems continues to motivate me. We provide safe and sound solutions that help communities; there’s a lot of satisfaction in seeing these complex projects built.”
Work with Pranay and V3’s Transportation team
Developing safe and efficient transportation systems takes experienced leadership and a creative approach. Finding the right partner to provide sensible solutions to transportation challenges is critical. Connect with our team to learn more.