Finding grant programs and knowing how to apply makes all the difference in securing government funding; learn more about how project grants work and how V3’s municipal consulting experts support the process.
What is a project grant?

Infrastructure grants are government funds intended for municipal projects that aim to upgrade or expand communities through land or infrastructure improvements. This can include (but is not limited to) projects involving highways, bridges, railways, sewer systems, utilities, and public parks. Municipalities of all sizes look to government grants to help fund these massive undertakings; without this financial support, many projects are unable to move forward.
For municipalities, two common sources of grant funding are at the federal and state levels. Each source comes with its own specific requirements on how much funding is available, what kind of projects are eligible, what is required to apply, and the timing to obligate the funds.
Examples of project grants include:
- Economic development grants: Available to those seeking funding for community improvements, expansion, or revitalization.
- Community development block grants: Available to those seeking housing or urban development funding.
- Green infrastructure or environmental protection grants: Available to those seeking land, air, water, or energy-related funding, as well as environmentally friendly project solutions.
- Surface Transportation Program (STP): Available to local governments to assist with the repairs and maintenance of roadways on the federal highway system.
How do you get funding for a project?
Obtaining government grants is a very competitive process due to the vast number of public infrastructure projects nationwide. In order to get funding for a project, municipalities must go through the steps of finding grant programs, assessing project eligibility, and applying for the grants.
Finding grant programs

While there are many available opportunities to fund infrastructure projects, finding the right sources can be a challenge. Uncovering the right grant programs per project can feel like finding a needle in a haystack, but with a little work and guidance, the best funding option will become clear.
Start by researching grant programs online. Federal and state funding opportunities are often listed on government websites and provide a good jumping off point to what’s out there. While there isn’t one comprehensive grant database devoted to all public infrastructure grants, searching for specific keywords related to your project can also help narrow the search.
Working with municipal consultants such as the grant experts at V3 is another helpful option. Partnering with a consulting firm familiar with grant availability and how the process works can expedite the process, as these professionals have the experience and know-how to successfully navigate the funding landscape.
Assessing project eligibility
Grant eligibility determines whether a project should move forward with the application process. Grant applications require significant time and effort, so it’s important to thoroughly understand submission guidelines early on so as not to waste resources.
Every grant has different eligibility requirements. In many cases, not only will the project be evaluated against funding guidelines, but also the entity itself, as certain organizations (such as non-profits or small businesses) may not fit the criteria.
Other eligibility considerations may include the project’s:
- Schedule
- Community impact
- Additional funding sources
At V3, our municipal clients frequently ask us whether a project is eligible for specific grants. Our municipal consultants are well-versed in government funding opportunities and can help guide the process, advising on eligibility and how to complete the application.
Applying for grants
Once a project is deemed eligible for funding, it’s time to work on the application. This is often a lengthy, detailed process requiring considerable effort from both the consultant and the municipality.
Following application instructions is crucial to success. Deserving projects can get disqualified from consideration simply by missing explicit guidelines.
While all grant applications are unique, municipalities should expect to include:
- Project need
- A compelling project narrative which includes community goals, objectives, and desired outcomes, which should align with the grant’s focus
- Proof of eligibility
- Estimated timeline and cost estimates
- Comprehensive financial forecasting, including the municipalities experience utilizing grant funds and the associated managing of the funds (budget and budget justification)
- Supporting documents such as governmental resolutions and letters of support
Find project grant support with V3
V3’s municipal consultants and engineers are committed to making your public infrastructure project a reality. From start to finish, we are your partners and will help guide you through the grant application process. Connect with our knowledgeable team to learn more.