FEATURED EMPLOYEE: Helping to provide clean running water in developing countries is personal to Borut Vujic. Serving as the V3 Companies liaison for Engineers Without Borders (EWB) he has taken three trips to the Village of Armenta, Honduras over the past three years. In April 2016 he was part of an eight-person crew from EWB’s Chicagoland Professional Chapter that volunteered in the village. The goal of this four-year project is to bring consistent clean drinking water to the community that currently only gets water about once a week.
“Being part of the team that works on this project makes me feel very proud,” said Borut. “This is personal to me. I grew up in former Yugoslavia – we had war during the 1990’s. During that time, besides other issues, there were periods of time that we didn’t have electricity or running water. That makes life a lot tougher. After the war there were a lot of volunteers from all over the world trying to help.”
The experiences of his youth informed his passion for volunteerism, and instilled a strong sense of duty to help his fellow man.
“In 2014 I was invited to join the Engineers Without Borders team on a trip to Honduras to work on a project that would provide clean running water to Armenta. Because of my childhood experiences it took no time for me to accept that invitation. During the first trip we worked very closely with the residents of Armenta; I got ‘hooked’ and had to go back.”
“With volunteering just a little bit of my time I am able to make a huge difference in a lot of people’s lives,” he concluded.” As much as I’m hoping that I changed their lives, they definitely have affected and changed my life in a very positive way.”
Borut is truly an engineer with a heart of gold, and an inspiration to many. He joined V3 Companies in 2006 and has 13 years of experience as a Construction/Resident Engineer. He is especially talented in construction-phased services for new and existing roadways, bridge replacements and railroad structures.